
An Alternative Source for Construction Aggregates

Construction aggregates are among the most basic of economic drivers.  Aggregates are the second most commonly consumed commodity by modern society; only water is more important to our way of life.  These commodities are responsible for building and maintaining our modern infrastructure including roads, building foundations, hospitals, bridges, pipelines, office buildings, schools and the like.  Without construction aggregates, our communities would quickly become decadent eye sores and all commerce would cease.  

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Changes: What it means for California Mine Operators

On July 1, 2015, new stormwater rules go into effect for California Industrial General Permit (IGP) holders.

These changes affect all California dischargers (including mine sites). Every site will need to re-register for an IGP in order to continue coverage under the Notice of Intent (NOI). This means each site must also submit an updated Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and a Monitoring Implementation Plan (MIP) before the July 2015 deadline.

CA Environmental Goals and Policy Report Lacks Mention of Mineral Resources

The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) released its draft of the California’s Climate Future – The Governor’s Environmental Goals and Policy Report (EGPR) for public comment. 

The report considers the state’s future in the context of a changing climate and a population that is projected to grow to 50 million residents by middle of this century. The discussion draft provides a vision of the state’s future and a broad overview of the state’s programs and policies to achieve that vision. (OPR)